How to Make Eddies Fast in Cyberpunk 2077

how to make eddies fast

Despite its messy launch cycle, Cyberpunk 2077 has made development studio CD Projekt Red over $50 million in total sales. As more players join the seedy underbelly of Night City, a lingering question continues to be asked:

How do you make Eddies fast in Cyberpunk? What are some easy strategies to make Eddies quickly?

That’s what we’re here to look at today. Read on to find out more about how to make Eddies fast in Cyberpunk 2077!

What Are Eddies in Cyberpunk 2077?

In Cyberpunk 2077, the main in-game currency is the European Currency Unit or the Eurodollar. It’s colloquially known as Eddies by the game’s protagonists, which is the term we’ll use for this article.

The game depicts a dystopia where the majority of countries in the North Atlantic use this currency. Those in dire need of Eddies often resort to crimes, specifically street crimes, to get started in the game.

Street Crimes

Players can look for blue icons on their in-game maps to find street crimes all around Night City. The blue skulls indicate an organized street crime, which is particularly lucrative to players.

When talking about how to make eddies fast, street crimes are great opportunities to make a quick buck and get some valuable loot. They’re short and incredibly rewarding, especially in the early hours of the game.

Do Some Gigs

If you want a more steady income stream, you should check out gigs. These are often objective-based mini-missions that give you a few thousand Eddies or more at a time.

Those playing as smugglers can get quite a lot out of these gigs. You might even walk away with a new weapon or a big haul of Eddies just for hacking a computer.

Crafting and Selling

Cyberpunk 2077 also lets you craft items and sell them on the market for great prices. Those investing in crafting might want to look for green schematics since they’re often of greater quality.

Craft items and immediately sell them to your local vendor. The more you do this, the better your items are, and the richer your character becomes.

Loot as Much as Possible

Looting is something you can do regardless of whether you’re running the main story, a side quest, or just a street crime. Most missions in the game require you to infiltrate some location and kill a few NPCs.

Always keep your eye out for possible loot since you never know what you’ll find laying around in any given mission. Blue, yellow, and purple icon items are key, and don’t forget about picking up junk.

Once you’ve got some loot, sell it to vendors. You’ll definitely have more loot than you’re going to want to hold onto.

Understanding How to Make Eddies Fast

When looking at how to make Eddies fast in Cyberpunk, it’s all about taking advantage of all of your resources and exploring. Use this guide to help you find the best way to get rich fast in Cyberpunk 2077!

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